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In several countries eParticipation initiatives were launched to engage citizens in the COVID-19 response and recovery efforts. Making different voices in society heard, both younger and older ones, is critical to delivering an inclusive response.

Digital youth participation can empower young people to become active citizens from the local to the European level. However, positive effects only start showing up when the participation process is run professionally – just to use digital tools is not enough to inspire administrations, young people and youth organizations to collaborate.

Initiators need the experience and resources to plan and conduct a successful e-participation process. DIGY can help with that by providing valuable insights in how to run a project well. We have collected our experiences from the last months in different blog posts on our website (see links below).

In addition, we are organising our 1st OPIN Community Online Meeting to exchange experiences (see below as well). Let's expand our horizons by sharing ideas and questions that are relavent and interesting to us.

DIGY project consortium 


Our goal is to establish an active and vivid community of project initiators and other interested institutions to enable a peer-to-peer knowledge exchange, EU-wide collaboration and the sharing of advice.

You are very welcome to join us online for the 1st edition of the OPIN Community Meetings on Tuedsday, 13 October 10:00-11:00.

Take the next step…
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